The attraction that the vast Brahman has for the añu (atom) is the attraction of the whole for the part. It is the basis of all love—the love of the mother, of the father and son, of the friend, the spouse and even of the devotee towards God. The jīva (the individual self) loves the Brahman or the totality of which it is part. See all as parts of the same whole to which you belong. Then there can be no hatred or envy or greed or pride.
In a study circle we tell what comes in our mind about a certain thought, of course, it is a Baba thought.
We can share and exchange, but it is the non-argumentative exchange of view, thus we tell what we think, but we do not expect to be corrected or commented, the other is also telling what he thinks about it and we share without that we know better or that we criticise and that is how our inner awareness is growing.
We call it listen, think it over and absorb and in writing it down it is an ideal tool to think about it, because it is hardly possible to write it down without thinking it over and what we will notice by writing it down is that we get on a deeper level and begin to see it in our own life.
In a study circle we tell what comes in our mind about a certain thought, of course, it is a Baba thought.
We can share and exchange, but it is the non-argumentative exchange of view, thus we tell what we think, but we do not expect to be corrected or commented, the other is also telling what he thinks about it and we share without that we know better or that we criticise and that is how our inner awareness is growing.
We call it listen, think it over and absorb and in writing it down it is an ideal tool to think about it, because it is hardly possible to write it down without thinking it over and what we will notice by writing it down is that we get on a deeper level and begin to see it in our own life.