Divinity Knows

Do Not Waste Energy on Sensual Pleasures

When our entire energy is draining away in wasteful expenditure, it impacts our memory and intellect. It also affects our discrimination. 
This is the reason why we find people totally bereft of any semblance of discrimination today. When discrimination is thus affected, how can man be expected to discharge his actions properly? 
Let us consider a radio as an example. We are tuning it to some station and listening to news. Whatever be the volume level you use, as long as the radio is on, some units of electrical power will certainly be consumed. Our human body is also like a ra­dio. Whether you think or talk, some energy from inside you is surely going to be consumed. Un­til you go to sleep, your mind has some thought process going on in it. 
Why not ensure that the thoughts are good and sacred? This ensures that the energy consumed is for a good cause. In this way, whatever be the thought you are thinking, whatever be the activity you are doing, we can ensure the proper use of energy. In this way, “Ceiling on Desires” points to the proper use and limiting of the four important quantities of food, wealth, time and energy. These are essential for those who wish to enter into service.

Divinity known’s better than humanity. He is the sun and we are the glass and if the water is clear and pure in that light, if we keep silent and watch, one day we will see the reflection of light in our own self and we can compare it to the glass of water looking at itself and telling, 'I am that'. That is self-realization. 
Divinity is the level of the sun. If we watch our aim is to silence the mind and to stay inside in silence, but if we see the reflection of the light, we also see the shadow move and as it is that light reflected of the sun, we cannot understand that moving shadow with the mind or the intellect. 

Therefore, listening is mentally shut up on the level of meditation and if we are in the watcher, we are meditation. But if we listen to Baba’s words, we have to listen differently, it is not the same listening when we talk about Tapas and that we should first discriminate, second we should see it in our own life and third we should go on no matter what obstacles are there.
If we see the shadows in the light of the higher self and as it is white light, we find the shadows moving. If the light gets stronger, the shadows get smaller and we know when the light goes down like during sunset, the shadows grow.
If we face the light of the reflection in the mirror of our heart, we see the shadows move and in listening to Baba's words and seeing it in our own life, the shadows begin to make sense. It is not about understanding, it is about thinking it over.
It is the same we do in a study circle. 
We went to Baba and were in the midst of thirty. If we see our life now, we see it in the light of the self and we have to understand the moving shadows.  
Baba is the sun, he is the light and he said also in the dream, he is the man in our dream to awake us. He also said that he is the 'insight' and he is the following step. 
Insight is a vision, picture or reflection in the silence of the heart. 
If there is no silence, there is no reflection, there is no insight. 
The insight can only be there, if the mind is in silence. It is the result of years of meditation. 
Insight is not the intellect and it is not the mind and we have to use discrimination.

In the study circle if we listen to Baba's words, we think it over and express it in our own life it is the same aim, we should get aware that with the shadow moving our life begins to look differently. It is like writing our own new story, but this time it is a story which is written by him, because he knows and we don't know. The mind doesn't know.
In listening to his words and thinking it over we see it in his light and the shadows begin to make sense.  
In the midst of tragedy if we do not speak but keep silence, we have to still get aware of the moving shadow and the story that is written by him. And that is why we listen to him, he tells our own story in our heart, but we only are able to recognize that story, if we are silent in the heart and if we focus on him, think it over or a great tool to get aware of it is to write it down.   

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