Tuesday, July 1, 2014

No Virtue Greater than Love

In this world, no other virtue is greater than love. Love is Truth. Love is Righteousness. And love is wealth. This world originated from love, is sustained by love and ultimately merges in love. Every atom has its origin in love. There are innumerable powers such as atomic power and magnetic power in this world but the power of love surpasses them all. Life bereft of faith and love is meaningless and useless. For humans in this world, love is life and love is everything. It is from love that the five elements (pancha bhūtas) have emerged. It is love that shines brilliantly in every individual. But human beings, not being able to comprehend the significance of love, at­tribute physical relationship to it. The love of a mother toward her child is vātsalya (affection). The love that exists between wife and husband is moha (infatuation). The love that exists among friends and relations is anurāga (affection). The love toward material objects is ichhā (desire). Love directed toward God in totality is known as bhakti (devotion).

If everything is love and we know it and we cannot see it anyhow or at least it had not been there and got lost somewhere, what to do? 
Why is it like that? Baba said once in an interview, follow the master, fight to the end, finish the game. 
Now my experience is after following the master that the reason why it was not there as love is coming also up as 'insights' and that is the following step. 

But that dream vision or insight is not understood by the mind, because in the 'insight' attachment is an avalanche and we have to even understand it why it begins on one point and it goes on and gets worse and worse and in the end it covered everything. That is what has happened in my family. 
We get aware of it in the silence of the heart, there is the mirror and if we are in the watcher and we watch it goes on also during the night and is present as 'insight'. 
We see it in the heart and we have to use discrimination, because we have to know the difference from just a dream and an 'insight'. Baba said also in the dream that he is the 'insight' and the following step. 
in trying to see it in our own life we get aware that this avalanche began maybe forty years ago and it grew and in the end we get aware that in the mean time it covers everything, everything is buried in that avalanche, and what now?

There is only love and we can ask why by thinking about love only we get aware of the absence of it and why it was absent? 
It was attachment, an avalanche coming down after her death. That was the reason for the absence and that we couldn't find it and if we are aware of the reason for attachment, we also know why it was overshadowed. But that avalanche came down after her death and it is covering everything, it means the family is gone, buried underneath the cold and icy snow. 

It is like with the sun, if the sun is shining it is a bright blue sky and we enjoy the beautiful weather, but with attachment and pride the sun is covered and hidden behind clouds and therefore, we cannot feel love, but the cold and life got lost in wrong ideals and focus on petty and not important things and that is the result of it. 
We realize Baba's teaching if we think it over.

The love of a mother toward her child is vātsalya (affection). The love that exists between wife and husband is moha (infatuation). The love that exists among friends and relations is anurāga (affection). The love toward material objects is ichhā (desire). Love directed toward God in totality is known as bhakti (devotion).

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